Sterling Pharmacy: Marketing Campaign

The entire family of Sterling Pharmacy (13 locations) celebrated 70 years of business in 2022. In order to visually emphasize this accomplishment, I helped to create a vintage campaign for the entire calendar year. With nods back to the early 1950s, everything from the website to social media posts to in-store signage was rebranded to reflect the era that Sterling was born into.

Retro illustrations, vintage typefaces, and dozens of usable assets were created for easy piecing together for all messaging in order to streamline the process of creating unique imagery for each portion of the campaign.

It was amazing to watch the main target market—senior citizens and their children (now adults with kids themselves)—interact with the advertising and social media posts, as they reminisced about the nostalgia of the original stores in the 1950 & 60s.

Sterling has never before received this level of campaign reach, clicks, views, and conversions.


Telehealth Options: Marketing Campaign


Drinking Whalez Bro: Photography